Monday, August 01, 2005


Things are a mess right now. Literally and figuratively. Packing has started for the move to the apartment, because I have so much stuff (taking comfort in objects and all). A box of books and another box containing clothes and (memorabilia? knick-knacks?) and will be parked at the SO's house temporarily. The temporary living quarters will be quite cramped. Adding to that, the gutters in my pad finally gave way yesterday with minimal showers at that. A lot of stuff that wasn't packed yet were, basically, drenched, including my high school yearbook, some pDVDs, and a lot pictures. Yesterday afternoon was spent basically fixing up after a mini-flood at my place, and then looking at apartments within the vicinity. Goodness!

So there. Add to work, some stress, and unpaid bills... I need Stresstabs or something. Hehe!

Last Song Syndrome : Cool - Gwen Stefani

1 comment:

Tobie said...

Try some incense.

Jasmine or Sandalwood should help ease the stress.