Monday, May 02, 2005

the pleasurable acquisition of reading material

The patterns are established after all: when I'm feeling depressed, confused or just totally want to escape, I either smoke, binge, or buy things. I like buying things. Not clothes, or shoes, or any other items of clothing. Or make-up. I like buying books, CDs and (at least before) pDVDs. Well, put together the current confusions with IntlConsultingFirm, the little boy, and ex-SO, with the Powerbooks sale and that book baratillo near Papemelroti in Glorietta 3, I ended up with more than a few new books.

The book sale near Papemelroti had boxes of hardbound books selling from Ps.29 to Ps.49. If you had the time, physical capability, and the will to go through those boxes, you'd end up with some really good finds. I'm not that into James Michener's sprawling epics anymore, but I saw more than a couple of copies of Alaska, Chesapeake, Poland, The Covenant, and what-have-you, selling for Ps.49 each (and these are the big hardbound copies, mind you). I ws really looking for a copy of Mary Stewart's The Crystal Cave to complement the hardbounds of The Hollow Hills and The Last Enchantment, but the search was in vain. Instead a got a couple of books that were in great condition that they could be given as gifts; a copy of Cause Celeb by Bridget Jones author Helen Fielding (Ps.39); The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy; The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold; and Tolkien's Unfinished Tales. Six hardbound books for Ps.254 is Not.Bad.At.All.

But of course that wasn't enough, because there was a sale at Powerbooks. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get there in time to get a copy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Collected Stories, but I was able to get the following: The Dragon Quintet (dragon stories by Orson Scott Card, Mercedes Lackey, et al); a compilation of Irish Folktales; Bite, a vampire anthology; The Art of War (been meaning to buy this for a long time); requisite fluff reading in Plum Sykes' Bergdorf Blondes; and a paperback of The Princess Bride (squee!) by William Goldman. That was fun.

So there. I'm still a bit confused, but I'm feeling better about it. Hee!

Kevin Smith on Revenge of the Sith
Great link from Oliver: Kevin Smith geeks out on 'Sith'. Lots of spoilers, so beware. Enjoy.

Last Song Syndrome : Motorazr commercial theme

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